t? You\''re scaring me to death!”
薇拉边哭边说:“I hope you can provide me with my information in the utopian world. Please I really want to know. My life is utterly terrible right now, I have no family left. If you can\''t help me, I\''m afraid I really won\''t be able to go on.”
杰西卡在一旁一头雾水,麦蓝继续装傻,勉强扯开薇拉的手:“the utopian world?I don\''t know what you\''re talking about.Sorry.”
“No no no, you must know something. You can provide information about the utopian world, can\''t you? Charlotte told me. It\''s been so long since I\''ve seen my mom, I just want to see what she looks like now.”
杰西卡眉头一皱:“Charlotte told you?Told you what?What’s the utopian world?”她扭头看向一旁麦蓝,麦蓝此刻战战兢兢,满头大汗。“Millie, are you keeping something from me?”
麦蓝几乎快要跪下来求薇拉别再说出去,谁知第二天,她的邮箱里又多出几份陌生人发来的邮件,主题内容都是:\"Hello, could you please help me find my information in the utopian world? My name is...\"(您好,请问您能帮忙找到我在乌托邦世界的信息吗?我的名字是…)