“Hey,girl, I\''m not blaming you, why you look so upset?”杰西卡忍不住皱眉。
“I\''m ummm……just feel a bit tired,so…. I\''ll go to bed now. Goodnight, Jessica.”麦蓝从沙发上站起来,快步走进自己的卧室,关门前犹豫很久,小声说了一句,“Sorry Jessica and….thank you, Jessica.”
“Fine.Good night.”杰西卡皱皱鼻头,回归原有的吝啬表情。
麦蓝回到卧室,心里琢磨了一会儿“Toxic Wave”,刚准备在手机上搜搜看,结果又无意看见所有消息爸妈都是已读不回,伤心得泪流满面,倒头就睡。
麦蓝摸了摸后脑勺,搞不懂这个mean girl为什么突然献殷勤,但下一秒就想起来了:
“Hey….morning Millie,and I\''d like to know if you can help me with a favor? Could you refrain from blaming Charlotte, just... not mention anything, like me?\"”
杰西卡语气柔和又诚恳,开始给麦蓝洗脑:“Just like Charlotte and I didn\''t blame your Eastasia nationality. Please, take care of her self-esteem cuz she\''s going through a tough time....Okay? Be generous, please.\"”
麦蓝直接呆住,气到大脑宕机好几秒才反驳:“Yes, but…I’m not a charity.”
“I know it\''s hard to accept but please don\''t directly blame her…”
“What’s wrong with you?I mean the cash and that gemstone necklace together are worth over a hundred thousand.It’s huge!!!”麦蓝气到浑身发抖,杰西卡居然要求她对于偷盗一事不闻不问,只是为了照顾夏洛蒂的自尊,简直离谱到上天。
“Yep but…”
“Listen, I\''m sorry for mistaking you as a thief and assaulting you yesterday, but that doesn\''t mean I can just let her steal my things for nothing.That’s too stupid. Besides, it\''s you who likes her, not me.”
杰西卡瞪大眼睛,摊开手,“Hey you misunderstood me I mean I’ll persuade Charlotte to have her return both the money and the necklace to you.I just need you keep slient.”
“Please don\''t hurt her self-esteem, I beg you, Millie.”
“It\''s her own actions that have hurt her self-esteem.”