粒轩书院 > 女生耽美 > 那些为投行燃烧的青春岁月 > 面试尾声:选你还是选她

面试尾声:选你还是选她(1 / 3)

晓兮怀疑自己听错了,她努力掩饰心中的惊讶:“A joke?Joke?(一个笑话)”

Johnny挑了下眉毛,略有严肃地说:“Yeah, tell me a joke and it has to be related to options.(是的,告诉我一个笑话,必须跟期权有关)”

这个真是出乎意料,晓兮只好说:“Please give me some time to think about this.(请给我点时间想想)”

然后她开始绞劲脑汁地想,想了一会儿,还是想不出来, Johnny看了一下表说:“It is okay if you could not think of any. We are not in the right place.(算了吧,想不出来也没关系)”

晓兮突然之间来了灵感,她说道:“I have one, I have one. When I just came to the university, I found a class called options and futures in the curriculum. I thought it is a philosophical class about what options you have and how they will influence your futures. It turns out to be a class about financial products.(我想出来了一个,想出来了。刚来大学的时候,发现课程里有一门课叫期权和期货。我认为这是一门关于你有哪些选择,option,以及它们将如何影响你的未来,future,的哲学课。后来才发现这是一门关于金融产品的课)”

这件囧事晓兮还没有跟别人提起过,她觉得很好笑,但是Johnny并没有笑,说道:“Well, you know, it is not a joke to certain extent. Your future may be related to options.(这或许不是一个笑话,你的未来可能真跟期权有关)”

他看了一眼桌子上的另一张简历,“I can only choose one today. So, do you think I should choose you or Alice Ai?(我今天只能选择一个。所以,你觉得我应该选你还是另一个爱丽丝)”

艾心怡的能力强是公认的,她学习成绩顶尖,在学生会中担任领导职位,曾在著名咨询公司麦肯思做过暑期实习。但是晓兮知道现在不是显露自己弱点和不自信的时候,但她也不好直接说对方的不好,她说道:“Both of us are very good students.(我们俩都挺好的)”

Johnny不耐烦地说道:“I know that. That is why you made to the interview. You or her?(我知道,可我只能选择一个人,你还是她)”

晓兮说道:“Me. I think you should choose me.(你应该选择我)“

还没等到她解释原因,Johnny就说道:“Why? The other Alice did a summer internship in Mckenze. I am very impressed. And you just did a research project with Dr. Zhou. I don’t even know who he is?(为什么?另一个 Alice在 Mckenze暑期实习。给我留下了非常深刻的印象。你和周博士做了一个研究项目。我不知道他是谁)”

Johnny的话可以算是讽刺,也可以算是合理的质疑,毕竟麦肯思是那么有名的公司,周教授却是个刚毕业的还没有任何名气的助理教授。晓兮努力保持冷静,说道:“Dr. Zhou is a very talented young professor. He graduated from the famous economics school UC Berkeley. He was writing a paper on exchange rate forecasting. I helped him gather and clean massive amount of FX data, and used Matlab to test his new methods. From this project,

最新小说: 追你时装高冷,我选呆萌校花你哭啥 重生转嫁病弱权臣,侯门主母大杀四方 重回上错花轿那天,我当场改嫁前夫他爹 痴女逆袭权志龙![韩娱] 一曲蛊迷心 女神,我是你女朋友![gl] 一窝三宝:总裁喜当爹 婚意绵绵:首席,扯证吧! 快穿:女主她,拒绝恋爱脑 农女翻身记,买个王爷好种田