hat it is and I felt like I lost everything.(我当然知道。但那个时候,我不想面对现实,因为我觉得我失去了所有。)”
“But do you feel better now, compare to one to two years ago?(跟两年前相比,你现在感觉好些了吗?)”
“Yeah, in the aspect that I’m more open to face it and talk about it. Clown, this album, is the process that I’m going to face myself and know more about myself. I’m aware of who I am, what I’m going through, and what I’ll be facing with, basically I decided to make peace with myself and to show the non-perfect side of myself. I feel it’s okay to show that I’m not perfect, I just need to admit it. This is not what I was like before.(是的,我在尝试慢慢调整自己。我现在基本能够打开心扉,向身边的人倾诉我内心的感受。Clown这张专辑讲述的就是我如何决定直面真实的自己,了解更深自己,其实也就是我与自己和解的过程。我接受了不完美的自己,同时也将不完美的自己展现给大众,让他们了解最真实的我。但以前我不是这样想的。)”
“What were you like before?(以前你是怎么想的?)”
“I think before, I care too much and I was trying to satisfy everybody. But then I just figured out that was impossible. It’s impossible to satisfy everyone, but I need to satisfy myself first, it’s my career and my dream, and I have to be the leader of my world and my life.(曾经我太在乎别人的看法,我想要尽我所能去满足所有人的需求。后来我意识到我不可能让所有人满意,但我必须先让我自己满意。因为这是我自己的梦想,只有我自己才能主导。)”
“Is there anything else that you want to talk about that you haven’t talk about before?(除此之外你还有什么想要和大家分享的吗?)”
“I want my audience and supporters to know that I’m an entertainer, all I want to do is to entertain them in every way. You know, fame, popularity, these things are like bubbles and they don’t last forever. All I want to do during the momentary time I have is to make them smile through my music, performing, through everything I can do. And I want them to become somebody they are proud of in their own career, in their own field. All I care is about them, I want them to become themselves and to pursue their own dream. It’s not about me, you know, cause I’m just one of those artists that will be gone at any time.(我希望我的粉丝们了解,我是一名艺人,我的职责是尽我所能创造出让你们觉得有意义的艺术作品。名利和声望并不会恒久存在。在时间的长流里,我只是千千万万艺术家中不起眼的一位。但我希